Saturday, February 15, 2014


Recently, one of my best friends and I had a conversation about making lists and goals for ourselves. Honestly, until recently this was not something that interested me. In fact, I was kind of against. I'm a strong believer of "living in the moment" and "going where the road takes you" and the idea of planning your life seemed to take adventure out of it.

However, I realized that really my entire life has been about goals and planning and all of it has so far been a great adventure. When I was in college I had goals for each of my classes and semesters. I had projects and deadlines to work towards. I had rowing which provided its own set of goals each year. And I had that overall goal of graduation.

Post-graduation I was out in the world without any real goals. Yes, I had a good paying job - but I found no real value or interest in my job. In fact, I hated it. I was living in a suburb of Detroit - an hour from where I went to college and 2 hours from my grandparents house. And don't get me wrong, I love my friends to death, but I wasn't making anyone new ones - I wasn't branching out.

I felt stuck. I felt lost. I felt confused of what was going to happen next, of what I was supposed to do next.

A lot has changed since then. Just over six months ago I moved out to Boston to pursue a career in public relations.

Another thing that has changed is I've realized I can't just sit and wait for things to happen. I have to make them happen. Thus, my recent list/goal making. By setting goals for myself (even if they are vague or very far into the future) I feel like I have something I'm working towards, something to look forward to.

So here is my current list of goals:

  • Be promoted in one years time.
  • Travel to at least one new city this year.
  • Visit Europe within the next few years. (This is a big one for me. I've never been abroad and have a million places I'd like to visit.)
  • Live out West for a period of time. (I don't think the West Coast will ever be my permanent home, but I want to have the experience at least.)
  • Become a consistent runner this spring. (Running is not my thing. But I always feel good after I do it. I want to get into and stick with a consistent routine.)
  • Learn something new. (This is very vague, I know. But I realize that by no longer being in school I need to make the effort to constantly be learning.)
My hope is for this blog to be a documentation of my adventures in trying to accomplish these goals.

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