Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Art of Storytelling

Yesterday, I went to a storytelling competition. I'd never been to anything like it. I've never been to a poetry reading but I'd imagine it would be somewhat similar. This competition was put on by Massmouth who's mission is to promote storytelling in the 21st century.

This particular competition was hosted in Club Passim in Harvard Square. (Club Passim shares a space with Veggie Planet and oh my gosh did their food look amazing - unfortunately, I had just eaten Tasty Burger and didn't get to try any of it.) The venue was a very small, intimate room with a small stage in the front of the room where each of the storytellers came and told their story.

The competition involved 12 storytellers competing. Each had to tell a 4 minute, 30 second story that fell into one of 6 categories. These stories were in all honesty nothing very grand - memories from their childhood, anecdotes from their daily lives, life-changing experiences - but the skill in which each storyteller was able to convey their story to the audience was amazing. It was hard to believe you had heard so much detail in only four minutes and thirty seconds, but their ability to truly paint you a picture - to show, not tell - was amazing! Each storyteller was than ranked by the judges and at the end of the night the audience also voted for their top pick. (I voted for my friend's friend who had told a funny story that fell into the category of desire and working hard for what you want most in life, unfortunately she did not win.)

Additionally, in between the 12 competitor's stories, audience members volunteered to go up and tell a one minute story on the spot.

Now, this is not something I think I will ever be ballsy enough to do - get up and share a personal story with a room full of strangers and then be judged for it? No, thank you. However, I truly admire these people's ability to deliver a message and tell a story. I know that I am much better at communicating through a written message than through actual verbal communication. I think in our digital era many people feel this way - how many times do you send a text to a friend because you find it easier? And while I'm not saying I have any plans on changing how I communicate, it is definitely some food for thought and I definitely admire those who can convey their message through a well told story.

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